If You're Holding It, You're aiming
Instinctive Activation™ is the hallmark of the Crimson Trace brand and the primary differentiating factor between Crimson Trace laser sights and the rest of the industry. Our products, including Lasergrips®, Laserguard®, Laserguard® Pro™, Lightguard™, LiNQ™ and MVF-515™, offer the unique advantage of Instinctive Activation.
What is Instinctive Activation?
Instinctive Activation means that when you hold your gun in a normal firing grip, the laser is on. When you holster or disengage your grip, the laser turns off. No button switching, no thinking, no battery drain, and no valuable time lost. This unique activation method provides an unmatched tactical advantage in critical situations. When your gun is deployed and the muzzle is pointed downrange, you can be sure that your Crimson Trace laser is activated, and your eyes are on the target.
Your Crimson Trace laser sight will arrive factory-sighted at 50 feet, but all models are fully user-adjustable for windage and elevation, allowing you to sight in to your ammo or your distance preference. Also, many models include a Master On/Off switch, allowing you to completely power down the unit for training with your iron sights.
Your Crimson Trace laser sight will arrive factory-sighted at 50 feet, but all models are fully user-adjustable for windage and elevation, allowing you to sight in to your ammo or your distance preference. Also, many models include a Master On/Off switch, allowing you to completely power down the unit for training with your iron sights.
Lightguard tactical lights (shown with Lasergrips above) also feature Instinctive Activation and are compatible with rear-activation Lasergrips. Lightguard models provide a powerful 100-130 Lumen LED white light for target identification and allow you to operate both your tactical light and laser sight with one hand.
Instinctive Activation will help you become a more accurate shooter, place you on target faster, and allow you to reach for your personal defense firearm with much more confidence. When you choose a Crimson Trace product, you're choosing a distinct tactical advantage you wouldn't have otherwise. It's why we say, "When You're Holding It, You're Aiming It."